Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monica Still Standing
Monday, March 15, 2010
Bloggers to Check out in 2010: Part 2!
5) The Downtown Diaries: http://thedowntowndiaries.com/
Event planner and nightlife enthusiast Kristina Marino started The Downtown Diaries a little less than a year ago to promote her event-planning and spread the word about her friend’s projects. The blog has grown rapidly since, and has made a name for itself in NYC nightlife.
The Downtown Diaries showcases nightlife events under What’s Goin’ Down, local shows in Mark it Down, and Williamsburg news in The Williamsburg Word.
Kristina's goal is to use her blog to host monthly events showcasing her favorite DJs and performers. She has the attitude that “the sky is the limit” as far as blogging goes, and could see a book deal or TV show in her future. On living life as a blogger/event planner Kristina states that “It takes a lot of will and passion to not work a typical 9-5 and make boatloads of money, and pursue your passions. It's hard, but also fun.”
6) Modern Mystery: http://modernmysteryblog.com/
Modern Mystery is an indie music blog featuring interviews with bands, tour dates, music news, concert reviews, set lists, and photography. Founder Melissa Nastasi started the blog after seeing videos of The Morning Benders on Fuse while at home sick. She fell in love with the band and felt that the world needed to know them. What was intended to be one post has transformed into a successful blog with 11 contributing writers and photographers in New York, California, Texas, and Boston.
The best part of Modern Mystery is their band interviews. Two weeks after starting the blog Nastasi was invited to interview the bands playing New York’s CMJ Music Festival. Nastasi feels interviews allow her to “get on a personal level with the bands, and see a side of them that not many people get to see.” She has interviewed members of Matt Pond PA, Bishop Allen, Chairlift, and The Dandy Warhols. On how blogging has affected her life Nastasi says “This blog has become bigger than I’ve ever imagined, and sometimes I still can’t believe it. I’ve met some of the greatest people to walk the earth. Musicians that I admire more than anything.”
7) New York Daily Photo: http://newyorkdailyphoto.blogspot.com/
New York Daily Photo is a blog featuring photos of New York City, posted every weekday by founder Brian Dube. Brian was inspired to create the blog after coming across a similar blog for Paris, France. Each photo posted is accompanied by a story about the photo’s topic.
Brian’s photos are often of everyday things we see in the city but don’t usually think twice about. Through pictures and stories Brian makes us see these everyday images in a new light. Brian recently posted a picture of a fortuneteller’s storefront with a costumer inside. Under the picture he reveals that in 1999 the average fortune teller’s salary was $200,000! Crazy stuff!
Brian says that it is too difficult to choose just one of the thousands of photos he has posted as his favorite. However he is planning an entire re-design of the website soon which will include sections with photos and stories he likes the best.
8) Times Square Gossip: http://www.timessquaregossip.com/
Time Square Gossip is a celebrity gossip blog from a New York perspective. Founder James Edstrom covers Hollywood, NYC, Atlantic City, Broadway, and the Hamptons. He writes about celebrities of all ages, and told me that he is frustrated with current celebrity journalism because it focuses only on young stars.
Edstrom has been taking photos of celebrities for 30 years, and was the on set photographer for both the Joan Rivers Show and The Jerry Springer show. He notes major changes in photography over the last decade, with a photo that used to go for thousands of dollars being worth only hundreds. The changing nature of the industry is what led him to start Times Square Gossip. “I started my blog because I wanted to write about anyone I wanted to, without some young photo editor telling me “who the hell are they” when i called about a older celebrity”, says James. “I also saw a need for nice gossip, which almost no one is doing”.
9) Adaumbelle's Quest: http://adaumbellesquest.com/
Adaumbelle's Quest is a blog dedicated to NYC performers, from Broadway, to comedy, to music. It's founder, former comedian Adam Rothenberg, created the blog due to his love of performance and journalism.
Adam interviews performers weekly, asking them what he refers to as the “burning questions” everybody wants to know. He likes to showcase established artists that he admires, as well as talented artists who are up and coming. In between interviews Adam posts information about upcoming performances in the city.
Adam told me that he is living his dream and that performers taking time out to make his dream come to is “wonderfully delicious.”
10) NYC Theme Party: http://nycthemeparty.blogspot.com/
I couldn't resist including a Themed Party blog to the list. I guess I have a soft spot or themed parties with our Aurora Nights Zodiac and Prom celebrations coming up soon. But really, who doesn't love themed parties?
NYC Theme Party is a brand new log – it's first post was a little over too months ago. However, I feel it could really take off as there really isn't anything else out there like it (that I could find at least). Blogger Damien has already posted on an “Arabian Nights” themed party, a “Jungle Wrestling” theme (hm..), as well as Christmas and New Years events in New York. It's a good blog to check out if you want to branch out of your normal bar scene and try something a little different.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
10 Blogs to Check Out in 2010
1) New York Rock Market: http://newyorkrockmarket.com
Madalyn Baldanzi started newyorkrockmarket.com a little over a year ago in response to her friends constantly asking her for music suggestions. Madalyn is exposed to new music through DJing at radio stations (she started in high school and currently works at a small station in Brooklyn).
What sets Madalyn's NYC music blog apart from many others is it's lack of pretension. She says that she wants her blog to be for people who know a lot about music, as well as to people who are just looking for a cool new band or two. Madalyn's blog offers daily shows suggestions, mp3's, reviews, photos, and a section where she pairs songs with books.
Madalyn updates the blog frequently, and always responds to user comments.
2) Sandpaper Suit: The Comedy Blog of Matt Ruby: http://www.sandpapersuit.com/
Sandpaper Suite is a comedy blog about the art of stand-up. Creator and stand-up comedian Matt Ruby explains that he began the blog to "expose all the behind the scenes stuff of stand-up. A lot of comedians treat comedy like magic. They think if you talk about it, it ruins it. I think that's lame. It's an art form and there's all sorts of interestingness around it. He goes on to say that “If it's something I talk about in the back of the room at a show, I try to bring it to the blog."
Sandpaper Suite also has funny video posts, as well as posts with jokes written by Matt and comics he is a fan of. If you are interested in comedy it is a great blog to go to to share tips and stories, and learn how to improve yourself through other people's experiences.
You can see Matt Ruby at either of the two comedy shows he produces in the city: Hot Soup is at O'Hanlon's (Friday at 8pm) and We're All Friends Here is a monthly show at The Creek.
3) Food Mayhem: http://www.foodmayhem.com/
Food Mayhem started as a way for it's founders, Jessica and Lon, to keep track of what restaurants they liked and disliked when they first started dating. Since then they have gained a loyal readership and have been mentioned in the Village Voice, as well as New York Magazine's Grub Street.
Food Mayhem has transformed from a couple's personal food diary, to an informative blog featuring food product reviews, chef interviews, recipes, party tips, and photos. Jessica told me that Food Mayhem has completely changed her life, stating "I work on it 7 days/week, but love every minute". Though they get many free products/meals due to the blog's popularity, Food Mayhem is dedicated to giving honest reviews.
If you're a food fanatic, this blog has it all! From the best scrambled eggs in NYC (Gottino), to the best overall deal (Brooklyn Fare), Jessica guides her readers though the city's vast restaurant scene.
4) Boozy NYC: http://boozynyc.com/
The title of this blog tells it all - Boozy NYC is all things booze in New York. The blogger, who goes by the name The Head Bartender, reports on the best and worst of wine, sake, beer, cocktails, and bars. He posts about bar closings, grand openings, drink recipes, happy hours, wine tastings, and basically any other drink related event you can think of.
The Head Bartender works in the industry, hence is need to remain anonymous. He told me that this helps keep his reviews unbiased, because he doesn't get free drinks or complimentary admission to events. He started BoozyNYC because cocktails have always interested him and he has spent "far too many nights going out and trying drinks". The blog lets him use that time constructively.
5) The Downtown Diaries: http://thedowntowndiaries.com/
Event planner and nightlife enthusiast Kristina Marino started The Downtown Diaries a little less than a year ago to promote her event-planning and spread the word about her friend’s projects. The blog has grown rapidly since, and has made a name for itself in NYC nightlife.
The Downtown Diaries showcases nightlife events under What’s Goin’ Down, local shows in Mark it Down, and Williamsburg news in The Williamsburg Word.
Kristina's goal is to use her blog to host monthly events showcasing her favorite DJs and performers. She has the attitude that “the sky is the limit” as far as blogging goes, and could see a book deal or TV show in her future. On living life as a blogger/event planner Kristina states that “It takes a lot of will and passion to not work a typical 9-5 and make boatloads of money, and pursue your passions. It's hard, but also fun.”
Thursday, March 11, 2010
This Week's Free Downloads (3/10/10)
Friday, March 5, 2010
We're Making A Few Updates!
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American Idol Strips Contestants of Social Media Accounts
New Movies: Alice In Wonderland & Brooklyn's Finest
Alice in Wonderland is a 2010 fantasy adventure film directed by Tim Burton, written by Linda Woolverton, and stars Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Crispin Glover, Michael Sheen and Stephen Fry. It is an extension of the Lewis Carroll novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. The film uses a technique of combining live action and animation. In the film, Alice is now 19 years old and accidentally returns to Underland, a place she previously visited 12 years ago. She is told that she is the only one that can slay the Jabberwock, a dragon controlled by the Red Queen. Burton said the original Wonderland story was always about a girl wandering around from one character to another and he never felt a connection emotionally, so he wanted to make it feel more like a story than a series of events. He doesn't see this as a sequel to previous films or a re-imagining. It premiered in London at the Odeon Leicester Square on February 25, 2010. It will be released in Australia on March 4, 2010 and the United States and the United Kingdom on March 5, 2010 through Walt Disney Pictures in 3-D and IMAX 3-D, as well as in regular theaters.