For all slackers who've arrived late to class, let's review the checklist of Ed Hardy inspired designs, shall we? Eye-catching high-end clothing line and energy drinks? Check. Lavish Upscale Las Vegas club for Mr. Audigier and his 100 closest celebrity friends to reenact scenes from 'Coyote Ugly'? Check. Hand sanitizer, cologne, and an exclusive motorcycle line? Check-chickity-check! And the list goes on and on. Even with the latest tragedy that is Haiti's reality, Ed Hardy is working hand-in-hand with the American Red Cross in aiding relief.
It appears that Ed Hardy was holding out on us in giving us a real treat. One of the latest concoctions to arrive from the bedazzled reccesses of Mr. Audigier's mind is something I like to call “my new BFFF”. Best Fermented Friend Forever, Vodka. That's right P.Diddy, make way for the latest in Celebrity alcohols and prepare to be rhinestoned, Sir Ed Hardy has just crashed the party. From the hand-picked wheat, to the purified water, then distilled and filtered 5 times. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that it taste pretty darn good.
Ed Hardy has changed the functional fashion industry as we know it and from looks of this stellar hand crafted crystal bottle, I don't think he's done yet. For everyone that has had a chance to visit the flagship stores, it's a paparazzi playground-and any scene with Ed Hardy Vodka (EHV) would be no different. Simply judging by the test of time and the bottle with the timeless images of art, it's safe to judge this book by the cover. After tasting this fine vodka, there's no doubt you'd enjoy anything less.
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